Title: [Red Light Cafe] (3 views ) [graphic].
Material Type: Visual material
Subject: California State Prison at San Quentin--Photographs.
Subject: Prisons--California--San Quentin.
Subject: Prisoners--California--San Quentin.
Subject: Track athletics--California--San Quentin.
Subject: Cross dressing--California--San Quentin.
Subject: Clowns.
Subject: San Quentin (Calif.)--Photographs.
Subject: Photographic prints.
Description: Shows shack decorated with grafitti, saloon doors, men dressed as women posed in front. Stamped on verso: "20th Annual Olympic Club Track & Field Meet at San Quentin prison, c. 1920."
Description: View 1 (2012-0005). Clown being ejected -- view 2 (2012-0006). Several clowns in front -- view 3 (2012-0007). Clowns, men dressed as women.
Date of Publication: [1933]
Date: [1933]