Title: [Argyle Apartments] [graphic].
Material Type: Visual material
Creator: Hylen, Arnold.
Subject: Apartment houses--California--Los Angeles.
Subject: Automobiles--California--Los Angeles.
Subject: Houses--California--Los Angeles.
Subject: Bunker Hill (Los Angeles, Calif.)--Photographs.
Subject: Los Angeles (Calif.)--Photographs.
Subject: Photographic prints.
Description: 2001-0671
Description: View looking east at northeast corner of Second and Olive Streets. Automobiles are parked in the foreground and on Olive Street. The mansared-roofed Argyle Apartments are located at the corner, near other Victorian-era houses. The City Hall tower is visible in the left distance. 2001-0671.
Date of Publication: [ca. 1950]
Date: [ca. 1950]